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5-16-21 Sunday Celebration – It Starts with the City
Clarence Stamps II
Clarence Stamps II
Sunday, May 16, 2021
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Acts 8:4-12

  1. When Christ is proclaimed in the city, the city experiences joy.
  2. The presence of Christ removes the lies of the culture and replaces it with the truth of the gospel.
  3. The Spirit forms kingdom partnership that unites all to Christ and His mission.

Take Action!

  1. What is the Spirit prompting you to do as a result of this message?
  2. How can you fulfill the Great Commission in your context?
  3. What’s the difference between joy and happiness?  Which governs your days, especially in moments of difficulty?
  4. What lies from the culture or others still dominate your life? Spend time praying asking God to reveal gospel truth to you.
  5. Who in your inner circle could benefit from this teaching?

Additional Scriptures:

Matthew 28:18-20; Psalm 16:11 (AMP); Jeremiah 29:7