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11-12-23 Sunday Celebration - Sacrificial Giving: The Heart of Generosity
Artie M. Lindsay, Sr.
Artie M. Lindsay, Sr.
Sunday, November 12, 2023
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Living Generously in a World of Scarcity

“Sacrificial Giving: The Heart of Generosity” Part 4

Mark 12:41-44, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

A generous life is one that is overflowing with care and concern for others, where I position myself so that I am ready to distribute my talents, treasure, and time for the express purpose of advancing the kingdom and blessing others.


  1. Our giving does not go unnoticed by Jesus.
  2. God measures giving not by the amount given, but by what it cost us to give.
  3. When it comes to giving the posture of our hearts makes all the difference.
  4. True generosity is costly and requires sacrifice.


God help us to….

A. Examine our heart.
B. Be willing to make sacrifices.
C. Look for opportunities to give.


Take Action!

2 Corinthians 8:9, Hebrews 4:13

  1. What is the Spirit prompting you to do having heard this message today?
  2. Spend time this week reflecting on the Lord’s generosity in your life.
  3. How might you increase your standard of giving? What sacrifices would that require of you?
  4. What fears hinder you from being more generous? Take those to the Lord in prayer.
  5. Who do you need to share this message with this week?